Serving BC’s Rural Roads
Gravel Road Rejuvenation | Soil Stabilization

Renewing rural roads, extending their lifespan, and saving money.
CMM Industries offers gravel road repair and resurfacing solutions that are more cost effective, longer lasting than traditional methods. Ideal use for rural roads, forestry roads, fire access roads, private and public roads.
SOIL STABILIZATION is the resurfacing of gravel roads by crushing the existing stone and mixing it with Lime or fly Ash to refresh and repair the roadways, matching the needs of resource industries and provincial and municipal roadways. ​

Benefits of Soil Stabilization
Technical Benefits:
Grinding and crushing of the existing road rather then resurfacing with trucked in crushed allows for better quality results
Treatment with lime or fly ash allows production of a long lasting and stable material comparable to those of graded aggregates.
Excellent improvement of ground conditions such as CBR, modulus of ground reaction, ground drainage, soil properties etc.
Hard wearing, with greater stiffness and strength than typical gravel road design.
Financial Benefits:
The recycling and re-use of existing materials gives significant savings:
Lower costs for grading
Minimize the stripping and removal to landfill of material along with their associated transport costs.
Save on the cost of aggregates.
The duration of the repairs and resurfacing are shorter and results are longer lasting.
Environmental Benefits:
There are significant environmental benefits of soil stabilization in comparison to traditional construction methods including:
Use of inert substances to repair and resurface roadways
Soil stabilized roads require less maintenance with flooding, snow, ice and extreme temperatures.
Energy savings by reducing the transport of materials (this also reduces the indirect effects including nuisance to the public).